Tuesday 25 January 2011

Competition: Win £50 to spend at Brand Alley

Hi guys,
Just before Christmas, I had a mini spending spree at designer discount store Brand Alley. Each day new sales are added from new designers, so you never know what you're going to find when you visit the site: that's half the magic!

Today there is a sale on Vivienne Westwood sunglasses: tomorrow is the start of a Diesel sale. On the day of my shop their were sales taking place on designer shoes, Lulu Guiness umbrellas, and Clinique skincare.

Here's what I picked up:
Gold leather D&G shoes, Lulu Guiness stripe and cameo umbrella, and Clinique exfoliator.

I couldn't believe the amazing value for money: i'm a real convert! I've picked up all sorts of stuff from Brand Alley since discovering it: OPI nail varnish, Moschino jewellery, and their January sale was unbelievable: I got a pair of grey shoe-boots for a fiver!

Now on to the competition: The total cost of my order was £99.30. I know, I can't believe it either! Now all you have to do to win a £50 gift voucher to spend at Brand Alley is tell me how much my little spree was worth: what is the combined rrp of the three items pictured above? Pop your guess in the comments, and the person that comes closest is the winner.

The competition closes at 12 noon on Wednesday 2nd February, so get guessing now! Good luck!

Love, Tor xx

Note: Brand Alley is a wonderful fantabulous place to get incredible designer goodies at amazingly low prices. But the pay off is that you have to wait a little while for your order to arrive: these babies took six weeks to reach me. But it was definitely worth the wait!!

Note #2: Sorry for the terrible picture of the umbrella! I was too superstitious to put it up in the house, so i've used a snap of it as I was getting off the tube!


Tabitha said...

Hey Tor, wow you got some bargains!
My guess would be £370-£400

plum noir said...

That umbrella is fabulous, so jealous!
My guess is £548.

Pearl Westwood said...

I love BA too, great bargains! My guess is £380, those gold shoes are fab!

rozia_rose said...

i think 458

Helen Hearts said...

I'm gonna say £365 :)

Charlotte said...

My guess is £540 :).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hello! Oh dear, this is exciting, very very exciting! I'm a sucker for a good bargain! :)
My guess would be £401.50 :)

Sarah said...

What bargains! My guess is £723... the umbrella is about £32, the clinique about £16 and the shoes about £675 or $1065 xx

mixnmatch1 said...
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mixnmatch1 said...

hi,my guess is about £360 :)

Christina said...

I guess £350! Great buys my lovely :) xx

Anonymous said...

my guess is £780! Brill bargains Tor!

Unknown said...

£250 is my guess!

Tessa said...

I guess that the exfoliator is about £19, the umbrella £35 and the shoes £315 ish making a total RRP (if i can add up ) of £369

Roisin Muldoon said...

Okay, I'm guessing that the exfoliator cost £19, the umbrella £35 and the shoes about £250 so the total is £304

Fab finds, I also <3 Brandalley!

Asis said...

£371.50! x

SuperLucky Di said...

Love those shoes!! Nice idea for a competition too, my guess is £340!

Anya said...

My guess is £825 :)

Ali said...


angela said...

323GBP :]

Louise Mc said...

I reckon about £295 for the shoes, £39.50 for the brolly and about £16 for the exfoliator so - £350.50

dozymoo said...

Wild guess - £442

My storm, my teacup said...

I reckon £300!

Love the shoes!!! Sophs x

Medsdemon said...

Wooo love the sandals. I'm guessing £490.

Jaz246t said...

wow what's some bargains.
my guess is £410

Camelia Andrasescu said...

My guess 328£

elvy106 said...

I'm gonna go £562 :)

Junk Loving Girl said...

My guess would be 489. Whatever the RRP your finds are fab!


KateHolderness said...

According to my scientific calculations....aka wild guessing.... I'm gonna go with....

Great buys - I'm gonna go check out Brand Alley now!



lorna.peppiatt said...

Great bargains!
I'll guess £420!

Laura McIntyre said...

my guess is £400

Kathryn MacKinnon said...

I guess £677.96.
Love the umbrella. I've always managed to see Lulu bargains at TKmaxx when I'm at my poorest - not fair!

Unknown said...

i'D GUESS AT 503.99

CoxeeFoxy said...

My guess is £325!

Morrighani said...

I guess £382

mummy24 said...

i am guessing a total of £465


feefeegabor said...
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feefeegabor said...

Blimey - you got some bargains, Tor! My guess is £364.18.

Anne-Marie Large said...

My guess is £332. :)

Anonymous said...

My guess is £306.99

legs21 said...

My guess is £320

jennyp19 said...

£377 would be my guess

Andrew Hindley said...

My guess is £282.79

Lollyp said...

I reckon the rrp of this fab booty is £452.50! You got yourself some bargains lady! x

Kelly Koya said...

My guess is £719.50, those shoes are worth a bomb!

katy said...

What a bargain! I am guessing 719.65

Anonymous said...

My estimate would be £721.99. How did you manage to get such a bargain?


emmabarron said...

MY GUESS IS £654.00

hoopie said...

Hi good bargain. my guess would be £719.60

debwh142 said...

Great bargains my guess is £679.80

Gemma said...

£713 would be my guess

Gemma said...
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WhiteLily said...

My guess is £293

@mummiafelice on Twitter

Lucy said...

Lovely! well done on your bargains!
I'm guessing a whopping £753

Louby-lou said...

loos fab - ?£711

Anonymous said...


ratties said...

I say £711

Unknown said...

im going with £850

Make Do Style said...

Good choices and love the umbrella!
I can't resist a guess so I thin the total rrp of all 3 is £231.50! xx

sand74 said...

MY GUESS IS £705.99

Anonymous said...

My guess is £719.50

Unknown said...

I think about 711.50

Unknown said...

I think about 712.50 GBP

Unknown said...

id guess about £150-£200 for the shoes, £35 for the umbrella and £16.50 for the clinique so total of £221.50p rough guess x

philiboy said...

My Guess is.....£576

Vishwanath said...

I think £500

wooohooo said...

My guess is £710

jujugaboo said...


Anonymous said...

My guess is £712.74

Cheeky said...

Brilliant shopping! I'd guess around £530 x

Ricky Willis said...

My guess is £710.95

Unknown said...

My guess is £395 :)

tiffanyc said...

i would guess £646

tiffanyc said...
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Unknown said...

I think it is around £300

alisha said...

The 3 items together are probably worth between £200-£250. That's my guess.

Unknown said...

It might be around £230
- P rao

violetgirl said...

Lovely items :) Brandalley is fab! My guess is £446

Becky xxx said...
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Becky xxx said...
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pallavi prasad said...

My guess is £450
- Shubhada

Unorganised said...

I'm guessing £459. Used brand alley before, it's great and guilt free!

Becky xxx said...

Great bargains :)

I would say combined RRP would have been £560 :) xxxx

Jane said...

Amazing bargains, wish i got those shoes, i love brandalley it's my fave site i check it everyday and love to buy gifts for people off there, thinking your bargains were all worth about £435.00?? x

Unknown said...

I think i got the same shoe boot for a fiver at brand alley! My guess will be 286.25 quid :)

chezza01 said...

hmmmmmm, i would say £347.97 plus £4.95 postage lol i also looooveee Brand alley, got some great things for my home and my grand children xx

twannywun said...

karen s
twannywun at hotmail dot com

jilla1949 said...

I have shopped with Brand Alley since the site first opened...indeed I expect I'm one of the oldest customers they have..(in more ways than one) and have introduced many of my friends to all the bargains...my guess is £284.00...

Anonymous said...

My guess is £270.50

lesley said...

My winning guess is £564.95 postage included....love Brandalley

PrettyKitty said...

I reckon you would have paid £439.76 @ the RRP's. BrandAlley is bargainous!!!!

Yvonne said...

I think £209 is the RRP for all 3 items x

ehlittleone said...


morgan6609 said...

Love them shoes!! My guess is £3.48. ;)

Anonymous said...

My guess is £380.50

CappuccinoLace said...


Shaz said...

I'm guessing £720

hamisha said...

I has to be a price of 345

Unknown said...

I think £301

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...


Jo kelly said...

Wow!!!!! Bargains, totally jealous. I'd say the RRP is £742


Unknown said...

my guess would be £713.00

Unknown said...

what bargains

I reckon its got to be about £710


cathyj said...

i would say about £710

ak1065 said...


aali said...
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aali said...

£ 384

Jo Bryan said...

I think £164.75

egf said...


kiki said...

Lush finds! I would guess £413?


Allan said...

My guess is £710.50

m i n z h i said...

£288.80 =) that's my guess!

Cheryl said...

My guess is £361.50. :-)

syrah said...

My guess is £491.

karolka said...

My guess is 493

Unknown said...

My guess is £708.95

Fu said...

My guess is £130

lisaell said...

you have some great bargains. My guess is £714.50

Elizabeth Kenny said...

£445.95 Elizabeth Kenny

Elizabeth Kenny said...

£445.95 Elizabeth Kenny

bc1616 said...

Cool bargains! I think £689

Anonymous said...

I reckon £438, great bargains!

sugarkane said...

Im going with £820

sugarkane said...


Anonymous said...

What a great haul, especially love your umbrella.
RRP is £708.42 I think.

flamingice said...

What a lovely umbrella!
My guess is £693.50

sassi said...

£711.50 wow

kemo_2002 said...

£700 is my guess

beclee09 said...

I think £657.97

mysticwen said...

£711.50 is my guess